mardi 6 mai 2008

Le Clozet news w/c 05/05/08

Well what a week!

Builder man, who shall remain nameless for legal reasons, let us down again.
Promised that all work would be finished by last Friday. Surprise, surprise, he didn't turn up the weekend so we ended up finishing his job as we had our first guests arriving today.
Well we did it, but no thanks to him. Never trust a builder I say!

Our first guests of the season arrived and seem to be happy.

Tomorrow have to finish off some other work that our builder promised to do. More wasted time.

Thursday is a holiday so we're taking the day off. La Romieu, a nearby village, has a flower and plant festival. So we're off to buy some tomato plants, lettuce and cucumber for our garden. Hopefully we'll eat lunch there as well. Well you have to have some fun.

Sunday I'm off to Mont de Marsan to preach at the Methodist church there. It's about an hour and a half away. After Helen and I will lunch at some restaurant.

Saturday we have a family from Australia arriving. Hope he's not a rugby fan as Wales were thrashed by the aussies during their last tour.

The weather is still unsettled but warm. The rain is good for the garden.

Well that's all for now, more news next week.

Gareth and family